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  1. Apr 29, 2009 · This question poses what has become known amongst philosophers as the problem of dirty hands. There are many different strands to the philosophical debate about this topic, and they echo many of the complexities in more popular thinking about politics and morality.

  2. Mar 29, 2016 · The problem of dirty hands refers to situations where a person is asked to violate their deepest held ethical principles for the sake of some greater good. The problem of dirty hands is usually seen only as an issue for political leaders.

  3. The problem of dirty hands lies at the point where moral philosophy, political philosophy, and political ethics all intersect. Walzer and Williams on dirty hands.

  4. Oct 17, 2023 · The aim of this Special Issue is to take stock and explore the corpus of work on the dirty hands problem that has arisen over the last five decades principally inspired by Walzer’s writing. The articles explore common themes and tackle possible new avenues and interests for dirty hands theorists.

  5. May 20, 2021 · According to one understanding of the problem of dirty hands, every case of dirty hands is an instance of moral conflict, but not every instance of moral conflict is a case of dirty hands. So, what sets the two apart?

  6. By connecting dirty hands to some of his previous thought on punishment, Zai‐ bert argues that dirty hands theory has focussed too much on the realm of politics at the expense of seeing that the concept of dirty hands is a distinctly moral problem.

  7. Mar 30, 2018 · This tension between morality and effective political action is the central focus in Sartres play Dirty Hands. Set during the ideological clash of the Cold War, the conflict between Hugo and Hoederer represent varying ethical standards based on different ideals.

  8. Jun 1, 2012 · My hands are the hands of plumbers, of truck drivers and street cleaners; of carpenters; engineers, machinists and workers in steel. They are not pretty hands, they are dirty and knobby and calloused. But they are strong hands, hands that make so much that the world must have or die.

  9. Sep 28, 2012 · The term “dirty hands” appears in a play by Jean-Paul Sartre of the same title. The communist leader Hoerderer proclaims rather impatiently that “1 have dirty hands right up to my elbows. 1 have plunged them in filth and blood.

  10. Mar 8, 2018 · I put moral injury in conversation with a separate but related concept, dirty hands. Focusing on Michael Walzer's framing of dirty hands and Jonathan Shay's understanding of moral injury, I argue that moral injury can be seen as part of the dirt of a political leader's dirty hands decisions.

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