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  1. National Taiwan Sport University and Kyoto Gakuen University signed the MOU on March 5, 2019

  2. No. 16, Sec. 1, Shuangshi Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404401 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:886-4-22213108; Visit counts: 902380 ; Website Privacy Protection Policy

  3. The National Taiwan Sport University (NTSU; Chinese: 國立體育大學) is a public university specialized in sports in Taoyuan, Taiwan. NTSU offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, including bachelor's and master's degrees in fields such as sports science, physical education, leisure and recreation management, sports coaching ...

  4. 國立體育大學113級畢業典禮. 本校校友連珍羚榮獲十大傑出女青年. 國立體育大舉辦AI輔助運動傳播研討會 科技加值跨域學習. 國體大運動傳播領域學生實踐所學 襄助運動員品牌塑造與提升社群影響力. 桃園璞園領航猿籃球隊體驗本校超低溫恢復設備 提升球員賽場 ...

  5. 國立臺灣體育運動大學. 本校榮獲遠見雜誌-評選臺灣最佳大學排行榜,進入人文社科前20強,小型大學第五名,微經費大學第三名. 閱讀更多. 賀! 本校112年度下半年第三週期大學校院校務評鑑-全數通過-效期六年. 閱讀更多. 臺體大與日本體育大學簽訂校際交流協議備忘錄 (續約) 閱讀更多. 賀臺體大113學年度大學申請入學統一分發招生名額使用率91.49% ... 閱讀更多. 113學年度僑生及港澳生單獨招生入學簡章公告. 閱讀更多. 國立臺灣體育運動大學「體育人聲社」榮獲113學年度全國大專校院學生社團評選-佳作. 閱讀更多. 國立臺灣體育運動大學「112級學生會」榮獲113年全國大專校院學生會成果展-學治單冠獎. 閱讀更多. 臺體大-113學年度試辦16+2課程彈性教學規劃. 閱讀更多.

  6. The National Taiwan University of Sport (NTUS; Chinese: 國立臺灣體育運動大學) is a public university specialized in sports in Taichung, Taiwan, and a member of the National University System of Taiwan.

  7. Welcome to National Taiwan Sport University! We invite you to explore the diverse and leading community which makes us the cradle of Olympic medalists. Located in Taoyuan City, NTSU is just 30 minutes away from the capital of Taiwan and is in close proximity of Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), Taoyuan City and New Taipei City.