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  1. Alexandre de Prouville de Tracy (c. 1603 – 1670) was a French military leader, statesman, and the seigneur of Tracy-le-Val and Tracy-le-Mont in Picardy, France. A professional soldier, he was a regimental commander during the Thirty Years Wars, and was later appointed commissary general of French forces in Germany.

  2. …King sent a military commander, Alexandre de Prouville, the marquis de Tracy, and a regiment of soldiers who in 1666 defeated the Iroquois and forced them to make peace. It was then possible to proceed to populate and develop New France. More than 3,000 settlers, including girls of marriageable age,… Read More

  3. Marquis Alexandre de Prouville de Tracy (c. 1596 or 1603–1670) was a French aristocrat, statesman, and military leader. He was the seigneur of Tracy-le-Val and Tracy-le-Mont (Picardy).

  4. PROUVILLE DE TRACY, ALEXANDRE DE, Marquis (or Chevalier), seigneur of Tracy-le-Val and Tracy-le-Mont (Picardy), king’s counsellor, commissary general of the French army in Germany, commander-in-chief of the troops, lieutenant-general of America, commandant of Dunkirk and then of the Château Trompette at Bordeaux; b.

  5. Tracy, ALEXANDRE DE PROUVILLE, MARQUIS DE, a viceroy of New France, b. in France, 1603, of noble parents; d. there in 1670. A soldier from youth, he had proved his valor in many battles and won the rank of lieutenant-general of the king’s armies.

  6. Tracy, Alexandre de Prouville, Sieur de (1603-1670), lieutenant-general of the French territories in America (1663-7), was born in France in 1603, and became an officer in the French army.

  7. Tracy with his two associates then devoted himself to the organization of the courts of justice and to the promotion of agriculture and industry. During his administration were imported the first horses seen in Canada .