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  1. François-Gaston de Lévis, 1st Duke of Lévis (20 August 1719 – 20 November 1787), styled as the Chevalier de Lévis until 1785, was a nobleman and a Marshal of France. He served with distinction in the War of the Polish Succession and the War of the Austrian Succession.

  2. Jan 21, 2008 · François-Gaston, Duc de Lévis, French army officer (born 20 August 1719 near Limoux, France; died 26 November 1787 in Arras, France). Born into an impoverished branch of the French nobility, he rose through the military hierarchy thanks to his family connections, his sangfroid and his bravery on the battlefield.

  3. François Gaston de Lévis, né le 20 août 1719 à Ajac ( Languedoc, aujourd'hui dans le département de l' Aude ), mort le 26 novembre 1787 à Arras 1, chevalier, puis duc de Lévis, est un militaire français qui s'est notamment illustré en Nouvelle-France.

  4. François Gaston Lévis, duc de (fräNswä´ gästôN´ dük də lāvēs´), 1720–87, French soldier. Entering the army in 1735, he distinguished himself in the War of the Austrian Succession. As second in command to General Montcalm, he was sent (1756) to Canada.

  5. François-Gaston de Lévis, 1st Duke of Lévis (20 August 1719 – 20 November 1787), styled as the Chevalier de Lévis until 1785, was a nobleman and a Marshal of France. He served with distinction in the War of the Polish Succession and the War of the Austrian Succession.

  6. Lévis, François Gaston, Duc de (1720-1787), commander-in-chief of the French forces in Canada (1759-60), was born on August 23, 1720 , at the Château d ' Ajac, near Limours, Languedoc, France, the son of Jean de Lévis, Marquis d'Ajac, and Jeanne Maguelonne.

  7. LEVIS (François-Gaston, seigneur et duc de) (1720-87), sous-lieutenant au régiment de la marine, capitaine, aide-major, colonel, che­valier de Saint-Louis, brigadier-général et commandant en second, commandant en chef, lieutenant-général, gouverneur de l'Artois, maréchal de France et duc de Lévis.