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  1. Roberthargraves is a mid-sized asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter in the main portion of the asteroid belt. NASA JPL has not classified Roberthargraves as potentially hazardous because its orbit does not bring it close to Earth.

  2. arzwiki 13937 روبيرثارجراڤيس (كويكب) cewiki (13937) Roberthargraves; enwiki 13937 Roberthargraves; eowiki 13937 Roberthargraves; fawiki سیارک ۱۳۹۳۷; frwiki (13937) Roberthargraves; itwiki 13937 Roberthargraves; plwiki (13937) Roberthargraves; ptwiki 13937 Roberthargraves; rowiki 13937 Roberthargraves; svwiki 13937 ...

  3. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

  4. The following is a partial list of minor planets, running from minor-planet number 13001 through 14000, inclusive.The primary data for this and other partial lists is based on JPL's "Small-Body Orbital Elements" and data available from the Minor Planet Center. Critical list information is also provided by the MPC, unless otherwise specified from Lowell Observatory.

  5. Җәмгыять үзәге; Бәхәслек; Соңгы үзгәрешләр; Яңа битләр; Ярдәм; Иганә итү

  6. (13937) Roberthargraves est un astéroïde 1 de la ceinture principale. Il fut découvert le 2 août 1989 à l' Observatoire Palomar par Carolyn S. Shoemaker et Eugene M. Shoemaker. Il présente une orbite caractérisée par un demi-grand axe de 2,54 UA, une excentricité de 0,24 et une inclinaison de 29,6° par rapport à l' écliptique 2 . Compléments.

  7. 13937 Roberthargraves è un asteroide della fascia principale. Scoperto nel 1989, presenta un'orbita caratterizzata da un semiasse maggiore pari a 2,5401733 UA e da un'eccentricità di 0,2445020, inclinata di 29,64007° rispetto all'eclittica.