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  1. Federalist No. 39, titled "The conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles", is an essay by James Madison, the thirty-ninth of The Federalist Papers, first published by The Independent Journal (New York) on January 16, 1788.

  2. Jan 10, 2002 · According to the provisions of most of the constitutions, again, as well as according to the most respectable and received opinions on the subject, the members of the judiciary department are to retain their offices by the firm tenure of good behaviour.

  3. Federalist No. 39, written by James Madison, is an explanation the character of the new republican system of government created under the Constitution.

  4. Jan 27, 2016 · According to the constitution of every State in the Union, some or other of the officers of government are appointed indirectly only by the people. According to most of them, the chief magistrate himself is so appointed. And according to one, this mode of appointment is extended to one of the co-ordinate branches of the legislature.

  5. Federalist No. 39. Excerpt: “If we resort for a criterion to the different principles on which different forms of government are established, we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons ...

  6. Jun 15, 2020 · Federalist 39 answers attacks that the proposed Constitution is notrepublican” and not “federal.”. In his response, Publius effectively redefines both terms. Claiming the proposed government is not “strictly republican” is a serious charge.

  7. Federalist Number (No.) 39 (1788) is an essay by British-American politician James Madison arguing for the ratification of the United States Constitution. The full title of the essay is "The Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles."