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  1. Sep 13, 2018 · I am teaching some kids about computers. I would like to setup my personal copy of VMware Fusion with multiple images (Windows desktop, Windows Server, Ubuntu), all running at the same time but only one instance of each image. Each image is legally licensed.

  2. Jul 30, 2022 · I’m using M1 Pro ( apple silicon ) it’s hard to install VMware tools before you even have a OS installed. I did download the win11 latest vhdx from MS and converted it to the proper format everything works fine until the setup stops as it don’t have any internet.

  3. Dec 11, 2011 · I am experiencing a very frustrating problem when using VMWare Fusion 4.1.1 with OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8. When I use any VM in full screen mode, the Apple OSX menu bar covers part of the VM. This is especially annoying since it covers the maximize, minimize, and close buttons in Windows 7 and Ubuntu...

  4. Nov 6, 2009 · When should I use Unity Mode, and how can I find out about its features? How can I learn about and how to use the many features of Fusion 3? At present I just use it to go into Windows to access my few Windows programs. Thanks, Alan

  5. Nov 28, 2007 · I have an iMac installed with OS X Leopard I created a windows partition using Boot Camp and installed Windows Vista Ultimate. I then installed Microsoft Office 2007 into this partition I then booted into OS X and downloaded (28th November 07) the most recent release of VMWare Fusion (Trial Vers...

  6. Nov 11, 2012 · Hi, I am running Fusion 4.1.3 on a mac and have got myself into a little trouble. My mac crashed and I had to restore the entire machine from my latest timemachine backup. This restoration largely worked, except when I boot up VMWare Fusion, Fusion now tells me that it can't find any of the three V...

  7. Apr 21, 2013 · My C drive on my virtualized W7 PC running under Fusion 5.0.3 is full and I need to expand it. Do I just load a disk utility onto the virtual machine and expand it that way? Thanks. Ray

  8. Aug 30, 2011 · I am performing some tests with Fusion 3 on a Mac.OS X 10.6.8. After installing Fusion I simply copied a Windows XP based VM from a Windows box running VMware Workstation 7 and started it. I just reinstalled VMware tools. The VM works fine but is a little bit slower than on my Windows box. Is it the...

  9. Feb 12, 2012 · Slowly getting there this morning after the drive size was expanded. have tried all the cases for the missing Base Device Driver fix this am with no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions? Been at this since 6AM this morning, with no luck. thanks. j

  10. Feb 12, 2008 · Using fusion (WinXP guest) in fullscreen mode, normally moving the pointer the top of the screen causes the mac menu bar to appear. But if you hide fusion from fullscreen using cmdH, and then cmdTab back to fusion at some point, moving to the top no longer causes the menu bar to appear, however the ...

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