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  1. Adultery is regarded as violating the sacred covenant between husband and wife, harming individuals, families, and communities. However, in Catholic and Anglican traditions, the Seventh Commandment is “You shall not steal.”

  2. There’s a third way we break the Seventh Commandment by committing adultery, and that is adultery by thought. Jesus didn’t come to cancel the law; He came to enhance it. Let’s look at what Jesus said about adultery in Matthew 5:2728.

  3. I am merciful and will not be angry; I will not be angry with you forever. 13 Only admit that you are guilty and that you have rebelled against the Lord, your God. Confess that under every green tree you have given your love to foreign gods and that you have not obeyed my commands. I, the Lord, have spoken. 14 “Unfaithful people, come back ...

  4. Jesus' interactions with people from all walks of life teach us valuable lessons about judging others. In John 8:1-11, we find the story of the woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees brought her before Jesus, expecting Him to condemn her based on her actions. Instead, Jesus responded with profound wisdom and compassion:

  5. They executed this plan by bringing in a woman whom they claim was "caught in the act of adultery" and asking Jesus whether she should be stoned in accordance with the Law of Moses. This is a familiar combination of sex, a woman, public disgrace and a double standard.

  6. I listened to a sermon in 2022 about how God hates divorce, and since then, I’ve been struggling with feeling like I made a grave mistake. The Bible says, “Whoever divorces his wife and remarries has committed adultery — except the wife was unfaithful”. Yetunde wasn’t unfaithful. She didn’t even do anything to me.

  7. Did the Fathers Teach ‘Bible Alone’? Some Protestants say yes. The Fathers' writings say no. Perspicuity is the Protestant doctrine that Holy Scripture is clear enough that any humble, prayerful Christian, regardless of academic pedigree, intellectual ability, or ecclesial authority, is able to understand what is necessary for salvation.

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