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  1. 4 days ago · The court of inquiry of Commanding Lieutenant William Bligh for the loss of HMS Bounty to mutineers, led by his friend Fletcher Christian, begins, with Admiral Hood presiding.

  2. 1 day ago · Historian Bob Begin will return on Tuesday, July 30, at 7:00 p.m. in our Keys Community Room to give a fun talk about Captain Bligh and “Mutiny on the Bounty.” The status and growth of the British Empire was a result of her Royal Navy, the most powerful in the world during the 1700s.

  3. 5 days ago · British naval officer Captain William Bligh sighted the Western coast of Viti Levu after being cast adrift by his crew during the infamous Mutiny on the Bounty.

  4. 2 days ago · Banks went on to become President of the Royal Society for many years, hatching, among other global projects, Captain Bligh’s luckless attempt to ship breadfruit plants from Tahiti to the West Indies as a food source for slaves. (After the mutiny on the Bounty and his astonishing survival, Bligh made a second, successful expedition.)

  5. 4 days ago · I can close my eyes and find an example of surf-world uniqueness by jabbing a finger anywhere on our timeline—which this past week was the 18th century and all those short but astonished journal entries from all those brave pox-ridden Jack Tars who sailed to Tahiti and Hawaii with Captain Cook and William Bligh and the rest of the megalomaniac British ship captains.

  6. 3 days ago · The Dutch flagship was eventually forced to surrender by Captain William Bligh in H.M.S. Director. In this action, H.M.S. Isis got off relatively lightly, receiving only slight damage and suffering 2 dead, but with 21 men being wounded. The British victory at Camperdown was overwhelming.

  7. 5 days ago · Hopkins plays Commanding Lieutenant William Bligh, while Mel Gibson portrays the aforementioned friend and head mutineer Fletcher Christian. Hopkins vs. Gibson