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  1. 1 day ago · Founded in 2011, South Asia Journal (SAJ) is a policy magazine focused on issues relating to South Asia. Bearing no political affiliation, the journal’s goal is to provide discerning, critical perspectives on the South Asian sub-continent and its evolving relationship to the broader world.

  2. 1 day ago · Tonight, members of the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) neutralized a double murderer from the village of Topolnica, near Majdanpek, said Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and ...

  3. 4 days ago · The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, Regulatory Division is accepting and processing applications for Clean Water Act Section 404 permits involving the discharge of dredged or fill material into formerly state-assumed waters in,

  4. 1 day ago · Luettelo ammattiliitoista Suomessa sisältää Suomessa toimivat ja toimineet itsenäiset valtakunnalliset ammattiliitot. Luettelo on järjestetty aakkosittain siten, että sanaa "Suomen" ei huomioida. Luettelo ei sisällä järjestöjä, jotka ovat aina toimineet osana jotakin toista luettelossa mainittua liittoa.

  5. 20 hours ago · Shteti aziatik ka zgjeruar skemën e saj të hyrjes pa viza në 93 vende dhe territore, ndërsa kërkon të rigjallërojë industrinë e saj të turizmit. Vizitorët mund të qëndrojnë në vendin e Azisë Juglindore deri në 60 ditë sipas skemës së re që hyri në fuqi të hënën.

  6. 20 hours ago · What you will bring to the role: • Bachelor's degree in pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology, chemistry, chemical technology, biochemistry, biotechnology, or other relevant scientific discipline (electrical, mechanical). • Experience in a regulated environment related to commissioning, validation, and qualification in aseptic manufacturing.

  7. 1 day ago · Vesti Autor: N1 Beograd 15. jul 2024 22:46 0 komentara. Podeli : N1. Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Ivica Dačić izjavio je da su pripadnici SAJ-a "neutralisali" dvostrukog ubicu iz sela Topolnica, kod Majdanpeka. Uskoro opširnije….

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