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  1. 2 days ago · In 1943, Joseph Martin Feely published Roger Bacon's Cipher: The Right Key Found, in which he claimed that the book was a scientific diary written by Roger Bacon. Feely's method posited that the text was a highly abbreviated medieval Latin written in a simple substitution cipher .

  2. 5 days ago · Francis Bacon was born on 22 January 1561 [13] at York House near Strand in London, the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon (Lord Keeper of the Great Seal) by his second wife, Anne (Cooke) Bacon, the daughter of the noted Renaissance humanist Anthony Cooke.

  3. 5 days ago · In his retellings of ancient myths, Bacon called for research to extend human lifespans, but only if those longer lives were spent in the pursuit of knowledge.

  4. 5 days ago · An exact LIST of King James's Parliament, Summoned to meet May 19, 1685; and dissolved by Proclamation July 2, 1686. Sir John Trevor, Speaker. Bedfordshire.

  5. 5 days ago · King Henry VIII. on May 2, in his 36th year, granted to Nicholas Bacon, and Thomas Skipwith, messuages and lands late Walsingham priory's; John Atkinson, and Maud his wife, held them ao 8 of Elizabeth; and William Curson, Esq. held messuages and lands lately belonging to Beck Hospital, in the said reign.

  6. 3 days ago · Ralph Rowlatt conveyed the manor in 1560–1 to Sir Nicholas Bacon, lord keeper of the great seal, and in 1570 Ralph Maynard conveyed his interest in the manor to Sir Nicholas, who in 1563 pulled down the ancient hall built by Geoffrey de Gorham, and built his famous house, which he completed in 1568.

  7. 5 days ago · Ignatius’s supporters dissuaded Pope Nicholas I (reigned 858–867) from recognizing Photius. Nicholas was angered by Byzantine missions among the Bulgars, whom he regarded as belonging to his sphere. When Nicholas wrote to the Bulgars attacking Greek practices, Photius replied by accusing the West of heretically altering the creed ...