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  1. 5 days ago · No one can explain the life force that prompts the many miracles of our very existence from the moment of conception, through every waking minute until something finally makes it stop. How can...

  2. 2 days ago · Mincing no words in her newly-released memoir, My Life is a Miracle, which traces the astonishing events that brought her case to the world’s attention as the 70th miracle effected at Lourdes, she describes her left foot as almost completely twisted in a “backward position.”

  3. 5 days ago · Living near Peoria, Illinois, Bonnie Engstrom faced a new parent’s worst nightmare when she delivered her new son — with no signs of life. Doctors, including a neonatal specialist, were unable to get the baby breathing.

  4. 6 hours ago · U.S. Sen. Tim Scott sounded like a preacher in a stirring speech at the Republican National Convention, as he told the crowd former President Donald Trump’s survival of a would-be assassin’s ...

  5. 3 days ago · Mary, the mother of Jesus, venerated in the Christian church and a subject in Western art, music, and literature. Mary has been ascribed several titles, including guarantee of the Incarnation, virgin mother, second Eve, mother of God, ever virgin, immaculate, and assumed into heaven.

  6. 4 days ago · LIFE IS A MIRACLE. 製作国: セルビア・モンテネグロ. フランス. セルビア. 上映時間:154分. ジャンル: ドラマ. 3.9. あらすじ. 1992年、内戦勃発直後のボスニア。 鉄道技師・ルカは、兵隊に取られた息子が敵側の捕虜になったことを知る。 そんな中、息子の捕虜交換要員である女性・サバーハを人質として預かることに。 奇妙な共同生活を送るうち、ルカと彼女の間に愛が芽生えていく。 監督. エミール・クストリッツァ. 脚本. エミール・クストリッツァ. ランコ・ボジッチ. 出演者. スラヴコ・スティマチ. ナターシャ・ソラック. ヴク・コスティッチ. ヴェスナ・トリヴァリッチ. ニコラ・コジョ. アレクサンダル・ベルチェク. ストリボール・クストリッツァ. もっと見る

  7. 5 days ago · The Bible presents us with two types of miracles, the Dominican priest noted: “nature miracles” such as the 10 plagues or the calming of the storm; and healings and exorcisms, such as the restoration of Bartimeus’ sight or the raising of Lazarus.