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  1. 5 days ago · Dorothea Dandridge wasn't just some trophy wife for Patrick Henry. After his first wife passed away in 1775, he married Dorothea two years later. Dorothea was young, only 20 years old, but she became a stepmom to Patrick's whole crew of kids, some practically grown themselves!

  2. 4 days ago · Arrives back in Fredricksburg, VA. As a Mason, meets many influential Virginia revolutionaries. Assumes the name John Jones and plans to be a Virginia farmer. Short engagement to Dorothea Dandridge who soon after marries Patrick Henry. His brother William, a VA tailor, dies, but leaves nothing to John. 1775

  3. › review › 865Reviews in History

    5 days ago · On the king’s death this generated a forceful reaction, at the highest city levels, which can be seen in the strongly critical writings of Thomas More and others. However, her title, ‘Henry VII’s style of kingship and the emergence of constitutional monarchy’ begs a number of questions.

  4. 1 day ago · In 1777 he remarried, making 20-year-old Dorothea Dandridge his bride . She stayed with him until his death in 1799. Henry is the historical epitome of freedom. However, while he was certainly committed to these causes during his political career, he also owned slaves and locked his wife in a basement for years to treat her mental illness.

  5. 4 days ago · Daughter of farmers John and Frances Jones Dandridge, Martha grew up among the wealthy plantation families of the Tidewater region of eastern Virginia, and she received an education traditional for young women of her class and time, one in which domestic skills and the arts far outweighed science and mathematics.

  6. The brewhouse in Oxford, now overthrown, lately in tenure of Wm. Fryer, messuages in St. Aldate's parish, Oxford, in tenure of Ric. Beverley and Thos. Benbowe, and a garden plot on the north side of the stable of Oryell College in the parish of St. Mary, Oxford,—King Henry the Eighth's College.

  7. 2 days ago · On October 25 at Scotchtown, he married Dorothea Dandridge, daughter of his old client, Nathaniel West Dandridge of Hanover County. This made him closer kin to Washington, as Nathaniel Dandridge was Martha Washington's uncle.