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  1. 5 days ago · Christ Church, Oxford The Great Quadrangle (Plate 82) or Tom Quad (276½ ft. by 271 ft.) is surrounded by a raised terrace the retaining wall of which, in its present form, is modern, but represents the base of the arcade-walls of Wolsey's projected cloister.

  2. 5 days ago · 开始哈利波特视角的牛津大学之旅 – Christ Church Meadow. 一进到 牛津大学基督堂学院 ,便深深被牛津大学特有的乡村学院风深深吸引,虽说牛津的生活机能没有符合飘儿心目中的理想家园(食物太难吃! ),但牛津一带的房屋建筑与英式大学城人文氛围却是这趟 欧洲自由行 中飘儿最喜欢的。 成立于1546年的基督堂学院是由英国国王亨利八世所建,更是牛津大学最大的学院之一,除了因为哈利波特而声名大噪,其实基督学院可是出了很多名人喔! 爱丽丝的作者 Lewis Caroll、爱因斯坦、还有13位英国首相及许许多多的内阁首长、主教,根本就是贵族学院来着~ 基督堂学院是呈西方古典教堂式的建筑风格,其实他是世界上唯一一个同时也是主教座堂的学院呢! 这学院根本就是一座城堡啊!

  3. 3 days ago · The largest allotment (c. 37 a.) was to Christ Church and its lessees, but James Morrell, who leased meadow from the bishop of Oxford, Christ Church, and New College, as well as possessing common rights and freehold meadow, received a total of c. 46 a.

  4. 5 days ago · Large quantities of gravel came from St. Giles's and from St. Edmund's well, 269 loads in all; and Twyne deduced that the walks in Christ Church meadow were made of earth displaced by the foundations.

  5. 2 days ago · Legacy and Planned Giving Manager. Opening Date. 4 July 2024. Closing Date/Time. 22 July 2024 – 12:00. This is a new role created to support legacy fundraising at Christ Church. The primary role of the post holder will be to establish and develop a professional approach to legacy generation and stewardship from the alumni and friends of ...

  6. 2 days ago · The ensemble is performing a Concert Series in the Cathedral over the summer. Tuesday 9 July, 8pm – HIDDEN TREASURES OF THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Tuesday 16 July, 8pm – FROM MELANCHOLY TO MIRTH. Tuesday 23 July, 8pm – BAROQUE FAVOURITES AND GEMS. Tuesday 30 July, 8pm – PIANO QUARTETS AND TRIOS.

  7. 2 days ago · The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral fully endorse the Church of England's safeguarding policy. We are committed to protecting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities.