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  1. Oct 15, 2021 · At an American research university, supervising graduate student research is a significant part of a professor's job (especially in the sciences). Not working with graduate students will hurt a faculty member's job evaluations, just as would not publishing enough research or getting teaching evaluations.

  2. When supervising a research student with ADD or a similar problem, I can help the student be more productive by adjusting the way I give instructions: Propose one task at a time: Instead of saying "Let's do X, Y, and Z" I will just say "Let's do X", schedule a time for follow-up when X is done, and only talk about Y then.

  3. Feb 27, 2015 · @rachaelbe: At least in some fields, the restriction to tenured positions is probably not necessary. After all, PhD candidates supervising Master and Bachelor students would be an analogous process to professors (tenured or non-tenured, I suppose) supervising PhD students, and in both cases, the supervision can lead to boosting research output.

  4. Dec 29, 2015 · I have been supervising a female PhD student for a couple of months. She is the first female PhD student I am supervising and got the position on merit. My view is that her gender does not/should not change anything in how I supervise her or what I expect from her, the rationale being that doing so might ultimately hurt her in her post-PhD career.

  5. Mar 8, 2019 · I'm an American postdoc working at a university in the UK, working in a mathematics department. I am planning on applying to jobs in both the US and UK, including smaller places, and SLACs.

  6. Feb 17, 2022 · Incidentally, the fact that it is so easy to get experience supervising students is also the reason why universities in my area consider it as a red flag if you have none - they interpret this as "I actively tried to get out of supervising students". Find jobs to apply to that don't require teaching research students.

  7. Well, maybe. Supervising PhD students is a learning activity like most anything else. As such, it is to be expected that maybe when an assistant professor supervises her/his first student, s/he may do things that should would handle differently later on. But this is not tied to the status of the person, but to her/his experience in advising.

  8. Apr 26, 2020 · In the departments I know (in chemistry), there is a distinction between the formal supervisor (i.e. the supervising professor or similar) and informal supervision: the exam regulations mean that a PhD student cannot be the official supervisor, but the supervising professor can delegate day-to-day supervision to whomever they trust to do this.

  9. @pehrs: All regulations I am aware of prescribe two supervisors de jure – but there usually is only one de facto supervisor, who does the vast majority of the supervising. I understood this question here that the asker is trying to decide between having two de facto supervisors and having one de facto supervisor. –

  10. Jun 10, 2022 · When supervising a thesis, it might be best to minimize such informal messages except for truly urgent issues, and instead have regular meetings for which the student can prepare questions. Depending on the kind of work, a cadence like one meeting every two weeks might work well.

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