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  1. 1 day ago · The grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muhammad's daughter Fatima, as well as a younger brother of Hasan ibn Ali, Husayn is regarded as the third Imam (leader) in Shia Islam after his brother, Hasan, and before his son, Ali al-Sajjad.

  2. 4 days ago · The tragic event of Karbala, where Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was martyred, marks a profound moment of sorrow and reflection in the history of Islam. It is a story that speaks volumes about loyalty, betrayal, and the stark realities of standing firm in one’s convictions against overwhelming odds. Prelude to Tragedy

  3. 19 hours ago · Husayn ibn Ali, along with his family and companions, was traveling to Kufa to seek support against the tyrannical rule of Yazid. However, they were intercepted by Yazid's forces and forced to ...

  4. 3 days ago · Husayn Ibn Ali Calligraphy at Hiaga Sophia [Wikimedia Commons: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International] Ḥusayn’s martyrdom holds a profound significance in Islamic history. His sacrifice embodies the principles of human dignity, the importance of faith, and the essence of authentic leadership.

  5. 5 days ago · The battle of Karbala took place on 10 Muharram 61 AH (9/10 October 680 CE) at Karbala, precisely near the Euphrates River, or the area now known as Iraq. Journey of Hussain Ibn Ali (RA) with his family towards Karbala, Iraq.

  6. 51 minutes ago · Ashura, the 10th day in this month, honors the passing of the third Shia imam and grandson of Muhammad, Husayn ibn Ali. On 10 Muharram 61 AH (10 October 680), Husayn was murdered at the Battle of ...

  7. 2 days ago · Tuesday, July 16th, 2024, is the day of Ashura which marks the martyrdom anniversary of. Imam Hussain ibn Ali (p). On Ashura, the 10th of Muharram, we commemorate the tragedy of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a), his family members, and his companions in the Battle of Karbala by grieving and reflecting. Imam Rida (p) reportedly said, “Whoever ...