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  1. 2 days ago · The Roman meaning of Genius Loci refers to a place’s protective spirit or the space’s sacredness. In his book Genius Loci: Toward a Phenomenology of Architecture, Norberg Schulz theorized that ancient man saw the certainty of his surroundings.

  2. 2 days ago · To čo nazývame genius loci, čo je charakteristická atmosféra miesta, sa nedá zažiť cez digitálnu fotografiu.Tá ju dokáže iba oživiť, alebo pripomenúť, a to len vtedy, ak sa atmosféra miesta predtým uložila do nášho srdca.

  3. 5 days ago · As the men all begin to fragment, one of them finds a series of taped interview sessions with a former patient whose story has a chilly parallel with events taking place within the walls. This eerie gem from 2001 might just be one of the best horror movies you've never seen.

  4. 17 hours ago · In the past, mill races were part of the urban structure of many towns in Slovakia. As regulated and artificially created waterways, they served to drive mills, rollers, or hammers. With the use of new sources of energy, they lost their functions, and most of them were dried, filled, or buried underground. In our research, we examine the former mill race corridor in Podolínec (Prešov region ...

  5. 17 hours ago · So, to now. Today, a warm if breezy early summer day, I drove to one of Norfolk’s many casually magic spots, at a confluence of three rivers, the Tas, Wensum, and Yare. I thought I might need a little bit of extra power, gift of the genius loci (I am smiling as I write that, but I also mean it), for my practical experiment.

  6. 2 days ago · ZWIEDZAJ Z NAMI KOŚCIÓŁ MARII PANNY I OKOLICE. Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego. w ramach Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2007-2013.

  7. 5 days ago · Those with a particularly salient genius loci include Prestwick, Muirfield, Carnoustie, Merion, Oakmont, Baltusrol, Shinnecock, and The Country Club. Also included here is the ultimate stadium, the TPC at Sawgrass.

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