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  1. 4 days ago · Carlo Acutis was beatified on Oct. 10, 2020, in Assisi. He is one of the patrons for the upcoming World Youth Day in Lisbon, which will be Aug. 1-6. His mother spoke with the Register this month. Is this your first book? What was your goal in writing it?

  2. 2 days ago · Carlo fell ill on Oct. 2, 2006, and was initially thought to just have the flu. However, his condition worsened and he was diagnosed with leukemia at the De Marchi Clinic in Milan. Later, he was transferred to San Gerardo hospital in Monza, a city located in northern Italy.

  3. 2 days ago · Blessed Carlo was raised in a non-practicing home, but thanks to the influence of grandparents, a Polish nanny and his Catholic school, he began to hunger for Jesus in the Eucharist in such a way that he successfully begged to be able to make his first Holy Communion a year early, at the age of 7.

  4. 3 days ago · A new documentary film exploring the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis and the lessons he offers young people regarding the challenges of the digital world will be coming to theaters in the spring of...

  5. 3 days ago · Carlo Maria Vigano served as the Vatican's ambassador to the US from 2011 to 2016 but went into hiding in 2018. This came after he alleged Pope Francis knew about US cardinal Theodore McCarrick's sexual misconduct and did nothing about it. The Vatican has rejected this claim.

  6. 2 days ago · Der selige Carlo Acutis ist ein Glaubenszeuge unserer Zeit. 1991 geboren, ist er in Mailand aufgewachsen und zur Schule gegangen. Carlo zog es von klein auf in die Kirche. Sein polnisches Kindermädchen vermittelte ihm die Grundzüge des Glaubens und lehrte ihn die ersten Gebete.

  7. 5 days ago · Αυτή την εβδομάδα, η Καθολική Εκκλησία ανήγγειλε την αγιοποίηση ενός εφήβου με καταγωγή από την Ιταλία, ονόματι Carlo Acutis, ο οποίος πέθανε από λευχαιμία το 2006 σε ηλικία 15 ετών.