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  1. Oct 27, 2008 · The Talmud tells us that there are 613 commandments in the Torah; 248 Positive Commandments (do's) and 365 Negative Commandments (do not's). Here's a complete list --as compiled by Maimonides.

  2. Traditionally, it has been learnt that the rule that the uncircumcised must not eat holy things is an essential principle of the Torah and not an enactment of the Scribes (negative). See Brit Milah: Circumcision

  3. The following is a brief listing of the 613 commandments (mitzvot), as recorded and classified by Maimonides in the 12th century. This listing is taken from his classic compendium of Jewish law, the "Mishneh Torah," which contains 14 primary "books" or sections.

  4. According to Jewish tradition, the Torah contains 613 commandments ( Hebrew: תרי״ג מצוות, romanized : taryág mitsvót ). This tradition is first recorded in the 3rd century CE, when Rabbi Simlai mentioned it in a sermon that is recorded in Talmud Makkot 23b. [1]

  5. Torah • To honor the old and the wise (Leviticus 19:32) • To learn Torah and to teach it (Deuteronomy 6:7) • To cleave to those who know Him (Deuteronomy 10:20) • Not to add to the commandments of the Torah, whether in the Written Law or in its interpretation received by tradition (Deuteronomy 13:1)

  6. Featuring a modern English translation and a commentary that presents a digest of the centuries of Torah scholarship which have been devoted to the study of the Mishneh Torah by Maimonides.

  7. May 26, 2017 · Rabbi Simlai expounded: “613 commandments were said to Moses, 365 negative commandments, like the days of the year, and 248 positive commandments, corresponding to a person’s limbs.”. [5] אמר רב המנונא מאי קרא (דברים לג, ד) תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה תורה בגימטריא שית מאה וחד ...

  8. The total number of biblical commandments (precepts and prohibitions) is given in rabbinic tradition as 613. R. Simlai, a Palestinian teacher, states: "613 commandments were revealed to Moses at Sinai, 365 being prohibitions equal in number to the solar days, and 248 being mandates corresponding in number to the limbs of the human body" (Mak. 23b).

  9. Every reigning king must write Sefer Torah a which he must keep with him at all times (17); and every man must have his own Torah which, if possible, he should write himself (18).

  10. Nov 17, 2021 · It contains 613 commandments – divided into 248 positive commandments and 365 negative commandments – reflected in how the numerical value of “Moshe Rabbeinu”, Moshe Our Teacher, is 613. 613 is the number which defines a Jew’s existence and life. It is impossible for one individual Jew to fulfil Torah in its entirety.