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  1. The Scholar's Mate is one of the most well-known checkmating patterns among chess players. It ends the game after only four moves by attacking the weak f-pawn with a bishop and a queen. The f7-pawn is considered weak because it is solely defended by the king, and for this reason it is a common target in many opening traps.

  2. It's helpful to look at all of the checks for each side and see if there are checkmates or other tactics available on the next move.

  3. Special moves are those that allow different types of movement or capture when compared to standard movements. There are only a few of these to learn, but they are extremely important to know! When learning how to play chess, most people focus on the basic movements of the pieces and what it means to give or receive a check or checkmate.

  4. is a division of Lockton Companies LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England under company registration number OC353198, with VAT number GB449686293 and its registered office at The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7AG.

  5. Oct 13, 2007 · Play Online. Play Friends. vs Computer. Tournaments. White can get mate in 2 moves if makes the wrong moves. See the game viewer:

  6. Apr 15, 2017 · 1 Move Checkmate Puzzles. As checkmating your opponent is what is usually required of you to win a game, it's important that you can spot how to actually checkmate your opponent. Recognizing checkmate patterns is important to improve as a player. When solving these you want to visualize moves before you play them.

  7. Checkmate Patterns III Recognize the patterns Checkmate Patterns IV Recognize the patterns Piece Checkmates II Challenging checkmates Knight & Bishop Mate Interactive ...

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