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  1. The Data Science graduate program has six (6) core courses and students are able to customize their learning experience through four (4) electives. The courses are scheduled across three terms for full-time students and five terms for part-time students. The remaining terms are for the thesis development. The core courses are as follows:

  2. デラサール大学(De La Salle University) は1911年に創立されたフィリピンの首都マニラ市街に位置するカトリック系の私立大学です。現在では、国立フィリピン大学、私立アテネオ・デ・マニラ大学と並ぶフィリピン最高峰の名門大学となっています。首都マニラにメインキャンパスを持ち、その他に ...

  3. The ideal candidate will have strong math, science, analytical, and problem-solving abilities, and have completed pre-calculus subjects prior to attending De La Salle University. Subjects in physics and computer science (i.e. computer programming, logic formulation, etc.), or multimedia arts (i.e. drafting, 2D/3D graphics and animation, etc.) are also recommended.

  4. Coupled with the long-standing tradition of excellence in business education provided by De La Salle University, these more than adequately prepare our students to become tomorrow’s corporate leaders. The BS in Applied Corporate Management is a 12-term program featuring a 3-term internship component with partner companies.

  5. Inspired by the charism of St. John Baptist de La Salle, the University harmonizes faith and life with contemporary knowledge to nurture a community of distinguished and morally upright scholars who generate and propagate new knowledge for human development and social transformation.

  6. Offices under the Office of the President. Office of the Vice President for Lasallian Mission (VPLM) Advancement and Alumni Relations Office (AARO) Executive Director for External Relations and Internationalization Office. Office of the Risk Management, Compliance, and Audit (RMCA) Office for Strategic Communications (STRATCOM)

  7. Moreover, five of its programs were also given Level IV accreditation by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). By and large, De La Salle University (DLSU) is the only private Philippine university selected by the ASEAN University Network to be part of the Southeast Asia Engineering Education Network (SEED-Net).

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