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  1. ชีวประวัติ ชีวิตในวัยเด็ก. Wundt เกิดที่Neckarau , Baden (ปัจจุบันเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของMannheim ) เมื่อวันที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2375 เป็นลูกคนที่สี่ของพ่อแม่ Maximilian Wundt ( รัฐมนตรี ...

  2. Wilhelm Wundt, Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie (Principi di psicologia fisiologica), Leipzig, Engelmann, 1874, p. 727) Secondo Wundt il primo e l'ultimo momento erano fenomeni puramente fisiologici e quindi osservabili in laboratorio dallo sperimentatore. I momenti centrali erano invece dei processi mentali descrivibili solo tramite l' introspezione del soggetto dell'esperimento ...

  3. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (16. august 1832. - 31. august 1920.) bio je doktor, fiziolog, filozof i profesor, danas poznat kao jedan od osnivača moderne psihologije. Wundt, koji je istisao psihologiju kao nauku, je bio prva osoba koja se ikada nazvala psihologom. Zbog toga se smatra "ocem eksperimentalne psihologije ".

  4. May 9, 2023 · Wilhelm Wundt was born on August 16, 1832, in Neckarau, Germany. He studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg and received his doctorate in 1856. He then worked as a lecturer and assistant professor of physiology at the University of Heidelberg until 1874, when he moved to the University of Leipzig to teach psychology and serve as a professor of philosophy.

  5. Feb 15, 2015 · Following the historical explorations by Blumenthal this paper revisits the genius of Wilhelm Wundt. It is observed that Wundt conceived psychology as the study of ‘Geist’ (mind) and ‘consciousnesses’ as the chief property of mind. Consciousness was held as self renewing (Entwicklung). Wundt emphasized on observing the inner private mental processes as a form of scientific data. He ...

  6. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt nació el 16 de agosto de 1832 en Neckarau, una localidad cerca de Mannheim, en el principado alemán de Baden. Hijo de Maximilian Wundt, quien fue ministro luterano y de Marie Frederike, fue el hijo pequeño de tres hermanos. Se crió en una familia estricta donde la educación y formación eran muy importantes.

  7. Jan 1, 2022 · Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (1832–1920) was a German physiologist and psychologist generally known as one of the founders of scientific psychology. After earning a medical degree at the University of Heidelber, and studying briefly with Johannes Müller, he was employed as a lecturer in physiology at the University of Heidelberg, where he became ...

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