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  1. Apr 19, 2016 · Captain James Cook. From humble beginnings to national hero, Captain James Cook is one of history's best known and most controversial explorers. Read all about his life, from charting the coasts of New Zealand and Australia and crossing the Antarctic Circle, to his fatal end in Hawaii. Discover his story, and the legacy of his actions, in our ...

  2. Apr 29, 2015 · History Lists: Explorers Not Named Columbus. 2. He was an expert mapmaker. Cook first rose to prominence as a cartographer during the Seven Years’ War, when his detailed charts of the Saint ...

  3. Cook then left for Newfoundland and won fame, and better pay, as a surveyor. He also won respect with the Royal Society for his astronomical observations. On 15th April 1768, the Admiralty appointed James Cook to the rank of First Lieutenant and gave him command of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour. Official portrait of Captain James Cook, 1776.

  4. James Cook. James Cook (* 27. Oktober jul. / 7. November 1728 greg. in Marton bei Middlesbrough; † 14. Februar 1779 in der Kealakekua Bay, Hawaiʻi) war ein britischer Seefahrer, Kartograf und Entdecker. Berühmt wurde er durch drei Fahrten in den Pazifischen Ozean, den er genauer kartografierte als jeder andere vor ihm.

  5. Życiorys. Cook urodził się 7 listopada 1728 roku w ubogiej rodzinie. Jego ojciec James najmował się do pracy w polu w Marton [2]. James Cook miał pięć sióstr (Mary, Mary, Jane, Christane i Margaret) i dwóch braci (Williama i Johna) [3]. Po awansie ojca na stanowisko zarządcy-ekonoma, ośmioletni Cook przeprowadził się z rodziną na ...

  6. James Cook was a British naval captain, navigator, and explorer who sailed the seaways and coasts of Canada and conducted three expeditions to the Pacific Ocean (1768–71, 1772–75, and 1776–79), ranging from the Antarctic ice fields to the Bering Strait and from the coasts of North America to Australia and New Zealand.

  7. At James Cook University, study courses delivered by expert lecturers and world-class researchers. Gain a theoretical understanding through analysis and application. Apply your learnings to work and research situations and get feedback from professionals as you build your skills.

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