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  1. 5 days ago · Negima: Chicken and green onions Momo: Chicken thigh Mune: Chicken breast Sasami: Chicken tenderloin Tebasaki: Chicken wings Rebah: Liver Hatsu: Heart Sunagimo: Gizzard Yagen or nankotsu: Cartilage Flavor Profiles Yakitori offers two main flavor profiles: Tare: A soy-flavored sweet sauce made from soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and sometimes sake.

  2. 5 days ago · Summary: A Lot Of Kiss - KATSU AKI Illustrated Collection [Chinese] Author: katsu aki. Upload: 牧歌. Upload Time: 2024-07-11 22:31:06. Status: Completed

  3. 8 hours ago · CHICKEN NEGIMA Chicken thigh KWD 1.500. دجاج نيجيما فخذ الدجاج. BEEF KUSHI-YAKI Beef tenderloin KWD 2.500. كوشي ياكي بلحم البقر لحم البقر تندرلوين. ENOKI BACON WRAPS Beef bacon, enoki mushroom KWD 1.500. لفائف إينوكي باكون باكون بقري، فطر الاينوكي

  4. 2 days ago · Negima Yaki Thigh featuring juicy chicken thigh infused in a mixture of soy, ginger, and garlic bested with delectable tare sauce is unmissable. Tempura Mikkusu comes as a delightful combinatio­n of prawn and calamari with wasabi dust served with yuzu aioli and bird eye chili.

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