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  1. Teknis Pelaksanaan FGD. Cara Menjalankannya. Di dalam dunia profesional, focus group discussion atau FGD adalah sebuah teknik diskusi yang biasa digunakan untuk berbagai macam kepentingan. Ia sering digunakan sebagai salah satu kebutuhan meeting divisi, ataupun riset pasar untuk proses pengembangan produk. Bahkan, FGD juga sering digunakan oleh ...

  2. This manual has been provided to assist you in conducting focus groups. Consider this manual a “toolkit” that will facilitate your training and enhance your facilitation skills. This toolkit contains two sections: Research Basics and Focus Groups. The first part of the manual gives you a brief introduction to this research project, contact ...

  3. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) method is a common approach for data collection in qualitative research projects, without exception in nursing research in recent years. The primary characteristic of this method is to use interaction data resulting from discussion among participants.

  4. Focus groups are not merely question-and-answer sessions; they involve discussion within structured agendas, based on topics that are supplied by the researcher. Focus groups are useful either as a self-contained means of collecting data or as a supplement to both quantitative and other qualitative methods, such as interviews and observations.

  5. Jan 11, 2018 · Focus group discussion was mainly used to explore people's understanding, interpretation and legitimisation of biodiversity management initiatives and levels of support for such initiatives such as deer management, coastal resources management, the discourse around national parks and relationships with park authorities (242; 184; 177; 86; 29).

  6. Feb 21, 2022 · Tujuan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Tujuan umum dari FGP adalah untuk menyamakan setiap persepsi atau suatu isu maupun topik atau minat tertentu dalam dunia kerja. Yang pada akhirnya akan melahirkan kesepakatan dan pengertian baru terkait isu yang sedang dibahas. Sementara dalam hal untuk wawancara karyawan maka tujuannya adalah untuk ...

  7. focus group discussion The focus group discussion is one of the best method in gathering potential partners or stakeholders as spearheaded by a trained leader. Opinions of participants in this method are heard, wherein each are given the chance to exchange ideas and agree on the desired plan of project to happen.

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