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  1. Jacques Ellul is a deeply respected lay theologian in the (Protestant) Reformed Church of France, and also professor of law and history at the University of Bordeaux. He was born

  2. Jacques Ellul's The Technological Society is, in my opinion, one of the most important books you can ever read and it should be required reading in every school (and homeschooling group) everywhere. There are certain books which have a profound impact upon your consciousness, and although I knew much of what Ellul stated beforehand due to my interests, I cannot recommend this book enough.

  3. It is very clear that nothing is entirely black and white in technical progress, but if we wish to see these matters in a more general perspective, re-reading the French thinker Jacques Ellul’s analyses of technology and the establishment of what he calls a “technological system” seems essential.

  4. She, far more than Mark, represents Ellul’s hope for the future. She is drawn into a fellowship of people who truly care about the current drift of new developments, and as people of freedom and responsibility, they rise to the occasion to resist well and turn the tide. References. Ellul, Jacques. The Technological Society. Knopf, 1964. Ellul ...

  5. Oct 8, 2021 · This hour long interview with French theologian/sociologist Jacques Ellul was produced by "Rerun Productions" ( in Amsterdam. While the in...

  6. Oct 12, 2018 · Jacques Ellul, the Karl Marx of the 20th century. Photo by Jan van Boeckel, ReRun Productions, Creative Commons licensed (CC BY-SA 4.0). By now you have probably read about the so-called “tech ...

  7. In The Technological Society versucht Ellul zu zeigen, dass die Technik nicht wissenschaftlichen, sondern religiösen Ursprungs sei. Das Werk, das sich kritisch mit der Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Technik auseinandersetzt, wurde 10 Jahre nach seiner Veröffentlichung auf Empfehlung Aldous Huxleys ins Englische übersetzt.

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