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  1. Si Vespasian ang tagapagtatag ng Dinastiyang Flavian at hinalinhan ng kanyang mga anak na sina emperador Titus at Domitian Siya ay mula sa equestriyanong pamilya na umakyat sa ranggong pangsenador noong panahon ng Dinastiyang Julio-Claudio.

  2. Vespasian wurde in der Nähe des heutigen Rieti geboren. Sein Vater Titus Flavius Sabinus gehörte zum Ritterstand und war Steuereinnehmer in der Provinz Asia; später betrieb er Bankgeschäfte in Aventicum, wo er starb.

  3. Vespasian was the last of the four emperors who governed the Roman Empire in the year 69 CE. The previous three had died either by murder or suicide. Unlike Galba, Otho and Vitellius, Vespasian would die of natural causes in 79 CE. He and his sons, Titus and Domitian, formed what would become known as the Flavian Dynasty. More about: Vespasian ...

  4. Oct 4, 2020 · Vespasian seized power in the Roman Empire in 69 CE after less than a hundred years of rule by the Julio-Claudian dynasty. The creator of the new Flavian dynasty, general, reformer and, above all, a thrifty man, who introduced a tax on public toilets for the needs of repairing the budget.

  5. Vespasian byggede det meget kendte, i dag endnu velholdte Flaviske Amphiteater, bedre kendt som Colosseum. Byggeriet var en gave fra Vespasian til det Romerske folk, da forgængeren Nero havde taget den inderste bydel, for at bygge et gigantisk palæ til sig selv. Det tog i alt 10 år: fra år 70 til år 80.

  6. Nov 17, 2014 · Vespasian almost ended his rise to power by falling asleep while Nero was singing; he had to run off into self-imposed exile in a small country town to escape the anger of the offended imperial performer. Nero needed generals, however, because he himself had no military expertise, so he had to recall Vespasian to service.

  7. emperor vespasian 7. The Second Battle of Cremona began on 24 October AD 69 and ended the next day in a complete victory for Primus and Fuscus. On 17 December AD 69, an army was sent to fight Primus and Fuscus defected to them at Narnia, leaving the way free to Rome.

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