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  1. Benjamin Franklin, Printer, was Franklin’s own favorite description of himself. He was an excellent compositor and pressman; his workmanship, clear impressions, black ink and comparative freedom from errata did much to get him the public printing in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as the printing of the paper money and other public matters in Delaware.

  2. May 16, 2024 · Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was not only the most famous American in the 18th century but also one of the most famous figures in the Western world of the 18th century; indeed, he is one of the most celebrated and influential Americans who has ever lived. Although one is apt to think of Franklin exclusively as an inventor, as an early version of ...

  3. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the tenth son of Josiah, a candle purveyor, and Abiah Folger. Educated at Boston Grammar School, Benjamin apprenticed with his father, and then his half-brother, Peter, a controversial printer in Boston.

  4. May 16, 2024 · Theodore Hornberger Gordon S. Wood. Benjamin Franklin - Printer, Junto, Experiments on Electricity: Denham died, however, a few months after Franklin entered his store. The young man, now 20, returned to the printing trade and in 1728 was able to set up a partnership with a friend. Two years later he borrowed money to become sole proprietor.

  5. Benjamin Franklin, pseudonym Richard Saunders ( 17. ledna 1706, Boston, Massachusetts, USA – 17. dubna 1790, Filadelfie, Pensylvánie, USA) byl americký státník, diplomat, vydavatel, přírodovědec a spisovatel. Stal se jedním ze zakladatelů americké demokratické kultury, patří do skupiny otců zakladatelů Spojených států ...

  6. Episode 1 | “Join or Die” (1706-1774) Leaving behind his Boston childhood, Benjamin Franklin reinvents himself in Philadelphia where he builds a printing empire and a new life with his wife ...

  7. Of all the representatives sent abroad to secure aid from friendly nations, no one has equaled Benjamin Franklin in ability, tact, common sense, diplomacy, and international reputation. He began as a printer, became a publisher, founded papers, served as editor and reporter, and also printed an almanac known as "Poor Richard's Almanac" which is indeed historical.

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