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  1. It was William Howard Taft who discovered Baguio, with its pine trees and cool weather, and proceeded to make it the summer capital of the country. Stanley Karnow in his book, “In Our Image,” narrates how Taft who weighed about 340 pounds, was on an inspection trip to Baguio.

  2. On April 24,1904, Secretary of War William H. Taft formally asked Burnham to travel to the Philippines to design Manila and Baguio. Six months later, he sailed on the Mongolia en route to East Asia. After port calls in Honolulu and Yokohama, he finally arrived in Manila on December 7, 1904.

  3. The history of Baguio Country Club is inextricably linked to the history of the City of Baguio itself. When William Howard Taft was tasked with governing the Philippine Islands, he directed his ...

  4. Constructing a “policy of attraction,” Taft used his time in the Philippines to gain the trust of its people, include them (on a limited basis) in the political structures being put in place, and build an economic infrastructure.

  5. The second Philippine Commission, led by William Howard Taft, which arrived in Manila in June 1900, had one express order from then American Secretary of War Elihu Root to search for a cool place in Northern Luzon, high in the ranges of the Cordilleras, and lay out plans for its development.

  6. In 1908, a year before William Howard Taft won the presidency of the United States, he visited Baguio City for the last time.

  7. The commission, also known as the Taft Commission headed by William Howard Taft, issued the laws that shaped the Philippine government under US tutelage.