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  1. Jan 23, 2020 · By supporting the Sisters of Mary’s charity programs, we are able to provide shelter, food, care and a quality education to more than 20,000 children worldwide. The Sisters of Mary run Children’s Villages for Boys and for Girls in 7 countries: South Korea, Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras, and Tanzania.

  2. The Sisters of Mary Congregation was founded by Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz, an American diocesan priest now known as Venerable Aloysius Schwartz, in 1964 in Busan, South Korea to provide free educational and vocational welfare for the underprivileged children/youth, medical care to the sick and the dying, and shelter service to the homeless and hel...

  3. In Seoul, the Sisters of Mary operate a kindergarten and an elementary school, while in Busan, they maintain a kindergarten, middle and high schools. These live-in schools are for abandoned and orphaned children. In addition, the Sisters of Mary provide help to the poor and the needy in their hospitals and homes.

  4. The Sisters of Mary Congregation was founded by Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz, an American diocesan priest now known as Venerable Aloysius Schwartz, in 1964 in Busan, South Korea to provide free educational and vocational welfare for the underprivileged children/youth, medical care to the sick and the dying, and shelter service to the homeless and ...

  5. Feb 25, 2019 · World Villages for Children supports the Boystowns and Girlstowns operated by the Sisters of Mary in the Philippines, South Korea, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras, and Tanzania. At these live-in schools, the sisters educate and care for more than 20,000 children living in extreme poverty at no cost to the children’s families.

  6. World Villages for Children is a nonprofit providing financial support to the charitable programs of the Sisters of Mary. To date, World Villages for Children has helped more than 150,000 children and their families break free from a life of poverty.

  7. Sister Maria Cho joins the Sisters of Mary in South Korea. Fulfilling a lifetime dream to become a nun and dedicate herself to the care for children she is initially responsible for the poorest orphans.