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  1. Early Christians were persecuted at the hands of both Jews, from whose religion Christianity arose, and the Romans who controlled many of the early centers of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

  2. Latest report on Christian persecution finds Nigeria has 4 out of 5 martyrs worldwide, China has 3 out of 5 church attacks, and Afghanistan is now worse than North Korea.

  3. The World Watch List is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. Explore each country profile and download the detailed dossiers for in-depth information about following Jesus in the most dangerous places.

  4. How are Christians persecuted in these countries? Open Doors tracks persecution across six categories—including both social and governmental pressure on individuals, families, and...

  5. (RNS) — North Korea has returned to the top of the World Watch List with its highest-ever persecution score after an increase of arrests of Christians under its ‘anti-reactionary thought’ law.

  6. According to the data reported, more than 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith. Similar numbers were recorded last year. However, the score of the indicators in the fifty countries at risk is growing.

  7. 2021 recorded a new significant increase of persecutions against Christians across the world, according to a new report released by Open Doors International, which for over 60 years has been supporting persecuted Christians worldwide.

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