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  1. NAU Holds the Seminar on Agricultural Mechanization for Afri... The 8th International Horticulture Research Conference Annou...

  2. 南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University坐落于钟灵毓秀虎踞龙蟠的古都南京是一所以农业和生命科学为优势和特色法学多学科协调发展的教育部直属全国重点大学是国家211工程985工程优势学科创新平台重点建设 ...

  3. Nanjing Agricultural University can be traced back to the Agriculture Section of Sanjiang Teacher's College (Chinese: 三江师范学堂) in 1902, and its predecessors were the College of Agriculture of the private Jinling University and the College of Agriculture of the National Central University.

  4. 通知公告 学术报告. 更多>>. 04/08 南京农业大学2024年诚聘海内外优秀人才. 07/12 关于2024年暑期后勤服务安排的通知. 07/12 关于转发海安市部分企业技术需求的通知. 07/11 关于转发《国家语委科研规划领导小组办公室关于开展2024年度国家语委科研项目申报工作的通知 ...

  5. College of Engineering. College of Information Science & Technology. ^ Faculty of Social Science. College of Economics & Management. College of Public Administration. College of Humanities & Social Development. College of Finance. College of Foreign Studies. School of Marxism.

  6. It is proud of being the pioneer of modern agricultural education, research and extension and forerunner of four-year bachelor program in higher agricultural education in China. Nanjing Agricultural University offers 60 bachelor degree programs, 157 master’s programs, 77 PhD programs and 13 post-doctoral research programs.

  7. Located in the well-endowed historic and cultural city of Nanjing, Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) is a national key institution of higher learning, directly affiliated to the Chinese...