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  1. As a layman, the most commonly asked questions are what is meant by “credited to your account” or “debited from your account”? And how do we understand the rules once and for all? So we have come up with this article to answer your queries regarding credit or debit to your bank account, income statement, balance sheet, and so on.

  2. Oct 17, 2011 · However, to answer your question, money coming in (a paycheque, for example) is credited to your account. Money going out (a utility bill, for example) is debited from your account. There's no real 'why'... this is simply the definition of the words.

  3. Feb 16, 2016 · Credited to your account means amount has been deposited to your account(this will be your income). Debited from your account means withdrawn from your account(This will be your expense). Hope this clarifies your question.

  4. Apr 11, 2022 · The primary difference between debit vs. credit accounting is their function. Depending on the account, a debit or credit will result in an increase or a decrease. Here’s the effect of each entry on various accounts: Debit: increases asset and expense accounts; decreases liability, revenue, and equity accounts.

  5. The phrase "credited to your account" is correct and usable in written English. This phrase is typically used when referring to financial transactions, such as deposits or transfers. For example, "We deposited the $800 payment credited to your account on August 15th."

  6. If you debit one account, you have to credit one (or more) other accounts in your chart of accounts. The main differences between debits and credits all comes down to the accounting equation : Debits (DR)

  7. So, if your business were to take out a $5,000 small business loan, the cash you receive from that loan would be recorded as a debit in your cash, or assets, account. What is a credit? Credits (cr) record money that flows out of an account.

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