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  1. Aug 2, 2017 · The candle sponsors light the wedding candles before the rite of marriage, the veil sponsors drape the veil over the groom’s shoulder and the bride’s head (they will also remove it after the cord is removed), and the cord sponsors tie or place the cord over the bride and groom (they will also remove it after Communion).

  2. Apr 8, 2020 · What are the meanings of the secondary sponsor symbols? The Candle symbolizes the Light of Christ or Gods guidance. It’s considered to be the same light you receive at Baptism and you receive it again in your wedding to lead you in your new life as a married couple.

  3. Feb 7, 2020 · The Candle Ceremony – The first two secondary sponsors will light two small candles beside a larger one called the “Unity Candle.” The bride and groom will later use both candles to light the Unity Candle together, symbolizing the bride and groom uniting their families together through marriage. The Veil Ceremony

  4. Jun 15, 2020 · The Candle Sponsors light the wedding candles, the Veil Sponsors lay the veil over the bride’s head and the groom’s shoulder and the Cord Sponsors place a knotted cord over the couple’s heads. The wedding candles, veil, and cord each have their own significance in the wedding ceremony.

  5. The Secondary Sponsors in a wedding entourage will carry the symbols to be used in the religious ceremony of the wedding. Traditionally, there is a male and female pair to represent the symbols such as the candle, the veil, and cord for both sexes. These are the Secondary Sponsors: Their Roles: Candle Sponsors.

  6. Jun 11, 2023 · Coin Sponsors, Veil Sponsors, Cord Sponsors, and Candle Sponsors are the four categories of secondary sponsors. As part of the long-standing Catholic customs, these sponsors—aunts, uncles, and other relatives—are included throughout the wedding ceremony.

  7. Mar 14, 2019 · The Secondary Sponsors is composed of the Candle Sponsors, Cord Sponsors, and Veil Sponsors. They are usually couple family members of the bride and groom.

  8. Jul 20, 2022 · Their roles may include helping with the traditional Filipino marriage rites: candle, coins, cord, and veil. Sponsors might also make financial contributions for the big day. Even with these clear distinctions in mind, choosing wedding sponsors can be challenging.

  9. Apr 17, 2018 · Candle Sponsors. They are a pair that will be carrying a pair of candles that symbolizes the Light of Christ in the union of the couple. Veil Sponsors. They are a pair that will be carrying the wedding veil that symbolizes the couple’s unity as one. Cord Sponsors

  10. May 19, 2019 · What if you want you veil sponsors to be both women, your candle sponsors to be both men, and your cord sponsors to be a man and a woman? Is that possible? Yes, it is.