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  1. Dec 12, 2021 · The following homily was given in Westminster Cathedral (London) to commemorate the 4th centenary of the death of St. John of the Cross. Although it was delivered 30 years ago, its message about the consoling love of God is perhaps one that we need to hear even more so today.

  2. Dec 14, 2022 · Feast of St. John of the Cross (Luke 7:18-23) “From Dark Night to Light”. St. John of the Cross is one of the giants of Carmelite Spirituality. He lived at the time of the reformation. He led a reform of the Carmelite Order along with Teresa of Avila his dear friend.

  3. Homily on the feast of Saint John of the Cross. Fr Saverio Cannistrà, ocd, Superior General Teresianum Chapel, 14/12/2016. Greetings to you all, The Word of God, we have listened to in this liturgical celebration, helps us to enter into the spirit of the saint we celebrate today, our father and brother John of the Cross, and at the same time ...

  4. Oct 20, 2023 · Feast of John of the Cross (Rm. 4:1-8) “Why Did I Follow?” Faith versus works has been an important argument in Christianity for 500 years. Is it necessary to earn our salvation.

  5. Dec 14, 2016 · Homily for the Memorial of St. John of the Cross. December 14, 2016. Preached by Fr. Stephen Verbest. Scripture Readings: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21c-25; Lk 7:19-23. Saint John of the Cross is called the Mystical Doctor of the Church because of his teaching on prayer and asceticism.

  6. Dec 14, 2021 · Saint John of the Cross was a 16th century reformer of the Carmelite way of life. Together with Saint Teresa of Avila, he lived the primitive Rule of their Order, and paid a dear price for his commitment to reform and authentic living. Saint John of the Cross died in 1591.

  7. Saint John of the Cross. John was born in Spain in 1542, he learned the importance of self-sacrificing love from his parents. His father gave up wealth, status, and comfort when he married a weaver’s daughter and was disowned by his noble family.