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  1. The Learning Continuum lets teachers see what students performing at a given RIT level on the MAP assessments are typically ready to learn. Then teachers can use the learning statements within the continuum to drive their instruction.

  2. The Guide to Formative Assessment Rubrics (pages 4–10) details what a learning continuum is, why it is needed when developing a formative assessment rubric, and the process of writing a learning continuum.

  3. Aug 30, 2019 · Session outcomes: Explore the story of a young learner and her shifting investment in her own learning journey. Learn the process for designing a learning continuum (targets and criteria) Consider ways to utilize the continuum to enhance assessment design in personal teaching contexts.

  4. Recognise emotions. recognise and identify their own emotions. identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions. compare their emotional responses with those of their peers. describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions.

  5. A learning continuum is a transparent document containing progressions of competencies that identify the essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions (academic and 21st century skills — also referred to as essential skills) each learner will be expected to demonstrate throughout their educational career and beyond.

  6. To help students get involved with their learning, use the Learning Continuum Class View, which shows skills and concepts students are ready to learn. Example for Goal Setting: The student shown in the following RIT band could set goals around a couple of the learning statements.

  7. The first question invites us to consider the learning needs of teachers at different stages in their learning to teach over time. The notion of “central tasks” suggests that each phase in a continuum of teacher learning has a unique agenda shaped by the requirements of good teaching and by where 1014 Teachers College Record