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  1. Jan 26, 2015 · According to tradition, the city of Tyre was founded in 2750 B.C., and is considered one of the world’s oldest metropolises. For much of its history, Tyre has played an important role in the region. The Tyrians were master seafarers and explorers.

  2. Jun 19, 2024 · Tyre, built on an island and on the neighbouring mainland, was probably originally founded as a colony of Sidon. Mentioned in Egyptian records of the 14th century bce as being subject to Egypt, Tyre became independent when Egyptian influence in Phoenicia declined.

  3. › wiki › OrigenOrigen - Wikipedia

    In 212 he travelled to Rome – a major center of philosophy at the time. In Rome, Origen attended lectures by Hippolytus of Rome and was influenced by his logos theology.

  4. Located on the western periphery of the Persian Empire, Phoenicia was one of the first areas to be conquered by Alexander the Great during his military campaigns across western Asia. Alexander's main target in the Persian Levant was Tyre, now the region's largest and most important city.

  5. Oct 17, 2022 · Few cities in the world can boast a history as lengthy and as storied as the city port of Tyre, which resides in modern-day Lebanon. Throughout thousands of years, the city has changed hands, witnessing the rise and fall of cultures, kingdoms, and empires, from the bronze age to the present day.

  6. Nov 23, 2021 · Tyre was in its golden age around the 10th century BCE and, in the 8th, was colonizing other sites in the area. The Tyrians were known as workers in dye from the shells of the Murex shellfish. This purple dye was highly valued and held royal connotations in the ancient world.

  7. Aug 12, 2019 · This chapter traces the history of Phoenicia from the advent of Rome in Syria at the beginning of the first century bce to the foundation of the Christian empire of Byzantium in the fourth century ce. It focuses on the establishment of Roman rule and its impact on society, culture, and religion.