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  1. The Spring and Autumn Annals is an ancient Chinese chronicle that has been one of the core Chinese classics since ancient times. The Annals is the official chronicle of the State of Lu, and covers a 241-year period from 722 to 481 BC.

  2. “Spring and Autumn [Annals]” Wade-Giles romanization: Chun-chiu. Chunqiu, the first Chinese chronological history, said to be the traditional history of the vassal state of Lu, as revised by Confucius. It is one of the Five Classics ( Wujing) of Confucianism.

  3. The Spring and Autumn Annals is, basically, the court chronicle of the Zhou Dynasty state of Lu, from 722 BCE to 481 BCE. It is brief, not very informative, and inconsistent in its choice of events to note. A typical entry might read, “Autumn; eighth month; locusts.”

  4. 'Lü's Spring and Autumn'), also known in English as Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals, is an encyclopedic Chinese classic text compiled around 239 BC under the patronage of late pre-imperial Qin Chancellor Buwei.

  5. 2 days ago · Spring and Autumn Annals Recording the great events of Lu state from 722 BC to 481 BC (or 479 BC) during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals) is a book of chronological history but was incomplete in terms of content.

  6. The Lüshi Chunqiu, also known in English as Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals, is an encyclopedic Chinese classic text compiled around 239 BC under the patronage of the Qin Dynasty Chancellor Lü Buwei.

  7. Zuo Tradition (Zuozhuan; sometimes called The Zuo Commentary) is China s first great work of history. It consists of two interwoven texts - the Spring and Autu...