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  1. Sun Tzu said: In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.

  2. Apr 23, 2010 · The Art of War is a meditation on military strategy commonly attributed to Chinese warrior Sun Tzu. Scholars remain divided as to who wrote the book and when.

  3. The book contains a detailed explanation and analysis of the 5th-century BC Chinese military, from weapons, environmental conditions, and strategy to rank and discipline. Sun also stressed the importance of intelligence operatives and espionage to the war effort.

  4. When Lionel Giles began his translation of Sun Tzu’s ART OF WAR, the work was virtually unknown in Europe. Its introduction to Europe began in 1782 when a French

  5. Read The Art of War in an automated online booklet. Passages will appear and change automatically. You may pause, move forward or backward, or resume at any time.

  6. The Art of War by Sun Tzu, the most important and most famous military treatise in Asia for the last two thousand years, with side-by-side translation and commentary, cross references, and PDF and text downloads of the full book.

  7. Jul 18, 2017 · The Art of War ( Sunzi bingfa) is a 5th-century BCE military treatise written by the Chinese strategist Sun-Tzu (aka Sunzi or Sun Wu). Covering all aspects of warfare, it seeks to advise commanders on how to prepare, mobilise, attack, defend, and treat the vanquished.

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