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  1. Nov 2, 2023 · Herod the Great, founder of the dynasty, tried to kill the infant Jesus by the “slaughter of the innocents” at Bethlehem. Herod Philip, uncle and first husband of Herodias, was not a ruler. Herodias left Herod Philip to marry his half-brother Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee & Perea.

  2. Based on the coins of Herod's sons Steinmann and Young argue that Herod's sons antedated their reigns to 6 BCE before Herod's death so that their reigns cannot be used to argue for a 4 BCE date for Herod's death.

  3. After Herod the Great had died his kingdom was divided among his three sons, Antipas, Phillip, and Archelaus. Archelaus inherited Judea, Antipas was given Galilee and Perea (Transjordan), and Phillip inherited the predominantly Gentile areas east and north of the Sea of Galilee.

  4. Dec 19, 2017 · Herod “the Great” ruled as king of the Jews under Roman authority for thirty-three years, from 37–4 BC. It is this Herod who appears in the account of Jesus’ birth ( Matt. 2:1–19 ; Luke 1:5 ).

  5. Jan 4, 2022 · Herod the Great was the son of a high-ranking official in the Hasmonean dynasty, which was ruling Palestine as an independent kingdom. He was an Idumean or Edomite (a descendant of Esau), but there had been intermarriage between Jews and Edomites, and Herod publicly identified himself as a Jew, although he was not faithful to observe Jewish Law.

  6. The Herodian tetrarchy was a regional division of a client state of Rome, formed following the death of Herod the Great in 4 BCE. The latter's client kingdom was divided between his sister Salome I and his sons Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas, and Philip.

  7. Sep 12, 2016 · Herod I, or Herod the Great (c. 75 – 4 BCE), was the king of Judea who ruled as a client of Rome. He has gained lasting infamy as the 'slaughterer of the innocents' as recounted in the New Testament's book of Mathew.

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