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  1. Jun 10, 2024 · While phishing remains one of the most common unauthorized access examples, cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated by the day. Attackers constantly develop and use new tactics to bypass security measures. Some of the latest threats include: 1. AI-Powered Phishing Campaigns.

  2. Jun 27, 2024 · A malicious insider is a person within an organization who abuses their access to data and systems for malicious purposes. This can include stealing sensitive information, sabotaging systems, or causing harm to the organization in some way.

  3. Jun 24, 2024 · Unintentional security threats are caused by employees or individuals who unknowingly compromise security or expose sensitive information without any malicious intent. Examples include falling for phishing scams or mishandling confidential data.

  4. Jun 20, 2024 · Malicious Intent: Libel Lawsuits and the Burden of Proof. 1. Understanding Libel Lawsuits. Defamation is a serious offense that can cause significant harm to a person's reputation and livelihood. If someone publishes false and damaging statements about you, you may have grounds for a libel lawsuit.

  5. Jun 28, 2024 · Cybercriminals are individuals or teams of people who use technology to commit malicious activities on digital systems or networks with the intention of stealing sensitive company information or personal data, and generating profit.

  6. May 12, 2024 · Malinformation is accurate information that is disseminated with malicious intent. This includes sensitive material that is disseminated in order to hurt someone or their reputation. Examples include doxing, revenge porn, and editing videos to remove important context or content.

  7. Jun 21, 2024 · Misinformation is the inadvertent spread of false information without intent to harm, while disinformation is false information designed to mislead others and is deliberately spread with the intent to confuse fact and fiction.