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  1. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany and responsible for the Holocaust, while Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union, known for his totalitarian rule and policies that led to millions of deaths.

  2. Joseph Stalin was the leader of Soviet Russia from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. Though Stalin and Adolf Hitler never met or spoke, their lives and their fates were inextricably linked. Both men loathed and feared the other, yet there was much Hitler and Stalin had in common.

  3. Hannah Arendt was one of the first scholars to publish a comparative study of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.

  4. Hitler was worse, because his regime propagated the unprecedented horror of the Holocaust, the attempt to eradicate an entire people on racial grounds. Yet Stalin was also worse, because his regime killed far, far more people—tens of millions, it was often claimed—in the endless wastes of the Gulag.

  5. In a telegrammed letter rushed to Joseph Stalin, Hitler asked the Soviet dictator to arrange for a meeting between German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and his Soviet counterpart,...

  6. Adolf Hitlers assessment of the Soviet Union and Josef Stalin demonstrates the contradiction between National Socialist propaganda and Hitler’s actual opinions.

  7. In addition, seizing the city that bore the name of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin would serve as a great personal and propaganda victory for Adolf Hitler. German war planners hoped to achieve that end with Fall Blau (“Operation Blue”), a proposal that Hitler assessed and summarized in Führer Directive No. 41 on April 5, 1942.