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  1. Under Article 2221 of the Civil Code, nominal damages may be awarded in order that the plaintiff’s right, which has been violated or invaded by the defendant, may be vindicated or recognized, and not for the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss suffered.

  2. Oct 19, 2023 · Damages in Philippine law can be categorized into several types: actual or compensatory, moral, nominal, temperate, liquidated, and exemplary. Each type serves a unique purpose and has distinct criteria for awarding.

  3. Art. 2197. Damages may be: (1) Actual or compensatory; (2) Moral; (3) Nominal; (4) Temperate or moderate; (5) Liquidated; or. (6) Exemplary or corrective. Art. 2198. The principles of the general law on damages are hereby adopted insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Code. Leave a comment. Filed under 18. Damages. Tagged as 18.

  4. Jul 22, 2015 · The legal term “damages” refers to a sum of money that may be awarded by a court of law to an individual or entity as compensation for property damage, a physical injury, or other loss caused by another person’s actions.

  5. Jul 12, 2024 · In the Philippines, the types of damages can be broadly categorized into several types: actual or compensatory damages, moral damages, nominal damages, temperate or moderate damages, liquidated damages, and exemplary or corrective damages.

  6. Damages, in law, money compensation for loss or injury caused by the wrongful act of another. Recovery of damages is the objective of most civil litigation. Originally redress of wrongs was direct—an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

  7. ACTUAL/ COMPENSATORY DAMAGES. Purpose. Actual or compensatory damages simply make good or replace the loss caused by the wrong. Manner of Determination. Claimant must produce competent proof or the best evidence obtainable such as receipts to justify an award therefore.

  8. Jul 13, 2024 · Concept. Moral damages are awarded in illegal termination cases when the employer acted: 1) In bad faith or fraud; 2) In a manner oppressive to labor; or, 3) In a manner contrary to morals, good customs, or public policy. ( Daguinod v.

  9. Damages are imposed if the court finds that a party breached a duty under contract or violated some right. The sum of money included in the damages can be compensatory damages that are calculated based on the harmed party’s actual loses, or punitive damages intended to punish the wrongdoer.

  10. In Philippine laws, there are six kinds of damages. Under Article 2197 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, damages may be one of the following: Actual or compensatory; Moral; Nominal; Temperate or moderate; Liquidated; or. Exemplary or corrective. Actual or Compensatory Damages.

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