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  1. Jul 12, 2022 · Aircraft Mechanic Oral, Practical, & Written Tests. The Aviation Mechanic certificate has two ratings – the Airframe (A) and the Powerplant (P). If you decide to seek both ratings, this is commonly referred to as an "A&P Certificate".

  2. § 65.85 Airframe rating; additional privileges. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a certificated mechanic with an airframe rating may approve and return to service an airframe , or any related part or appliance , after he has performed, supervised, or inspected its maintenance or alteration (excluding major repairs and ...

  3. Airframe Rating: What it is - This is a rating on the basic mechanic certificate. It is often referred to as the "A" rating. What it lets you do - This rating allows you to inspect, repair, and perform maintenance on the airframe (and its associated components) of an aircraft. Powerplant Rating:

  4. May 3, 2023 · The FAA issues a single certificate with an Airframe (A) rating, a Powerplant (P) rating, or both (A&P). There is no requirement to obtain both ratings. What are the eligibility requirements for an Aviation Mechanic certificate and ratings?

  5. A. FAA issues a single mechanic certificate with an Airframe (A) rating, or a Powerplant (P) rating, or both (A&P) ratings to qualified applicants.

  6. An Airframe rating allows a technician to maintain and repair all systems associated with the airframe of the aircraft while a Powerplant rating includes the engines and all associated equipment. It is these ratings which together account for the common practice of referring to mechanics as “A&P’s.”

  7. Each applicant for a mechanic certificate or rating must pass an oral test and a practical test, as appropriate to the rating sought, by demonstrating satisfactory understanding of the knowledge, risk management, and skill elements for each subject contained in the Aviation Mechanic General, Airframe, and Powerplant Airmen Certification ...