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  1. 1 day ago · Below you will find a list of over 200 universities and colleges in Germany which offer Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs in English. This comprehensive list includes top ranked universities and colleges in Germany as well as internationally top-ranked universities.

  2. Jun 24, 2024 · Lecture by Fields Medal winner Professor Dr Martin Hairer now online. He was the main speaker at the event organised by the German Mathematical Society (DMV), which was recently held at Bielefeld University.

  3. 6 days ago · Lectures on representation theory and invariant theory ( pdf ). A graduate course given in 1989/90 at Bielefeld University. This is an introduction to the representation theory of the symmetric and general linear groups (in characteristic zero), and to classical invariant theory. List of corrections .

  4. 5 days ago · Die Fakultät für Chemie der Universität Bielefeld trauert um Prof. Dr. Peter Jutzi. Bachelorstudiengänge der Fakultät für Chemie deutschlandweit Spitze im aktuellen Hochschulranking. Dr. Tobias Heinks erhält Dissertationspreis 2023.

  5. 4 days ago · Are you looking for a List of Universities in Germany for International Students? Do you search for top universities and information on admission requirements, language certificates (TOEFL/IELTS) and application deadlines? Then MyGermanUniversity is the right place for you.

  6. Jul 2, 2024 · Universität Bielefeld, die Hochschule Bielefeld (HSBI) und das Welthaus Bielefeld ziehen in die Wissenswerkstadt. Eröffnung am 6. September.

  7. Jun 18, 2024 · Die Fa­kul­tät für Ge­sund­heits­wis­sen­schaf­ten ar­bei­tet in­ter­dis­zi­pli­när und ver­eint da­durch die ver­schie­de­nen fachlich- wissenschaftlichen und me­tho­di­schen Zu­gän­ge ihrer Mit­glie­der zu einer pro­duk­ti­ven Viel­falt.