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  1. 慶應義塾志木高等学校は埼玉県志木市にある慶應義塾の一貫教育校のひとつです全校生徒約750名の男子高校です

  2. Study Tour. Both 10th and 11th grade students are required to participate in a Study Tour. 10th grade students go to Hakone for three days as part of a Comprehensive Integrated Learning Course. During this trip, students study geography and geology in Hakone, paying attention to History and Culture.

  3. Keio Shiki Senior High School (慶應義塾志木高等学校, Keiō Gijuku Shiki Kōtōgakkō) is a private boys' senior high school, affiliated with Keio University, in Shiki, Saitama Prefecture.

  4. 慶應義塾志木高等学校 (けいおうぎじゅくしきこうとうがっこう、 英: Keio Shiki Senior High School )は、 埼玉県 志木市 本町四丁目に所在する 私立 高等学校 。 慶應義塾大学 と連携し 高大一貫教育 を行っている。 略称は、学外では「 慶應志木(高) 」(けいおうしき(こう))であるが、塾内では単に「 志木高 」(しきこう) [1] と呼ばれる。 概説. 1948年 (昭和23年)に発足した 慶應義塾 農業高等学校 を前身とする。 10万m 2 にわたる校地には、暗渠の 野火止用水 が横断し、道路をはさんで隣接する「慶応ふれあいの森」(マンションの脇)もかつては校地で、旧寄宿舎(有隣寮、高翔寮、1990年閉寮)があった。

  5. Keio Girls Senior High School was established in 1950, and is the only high school exclusively for girls in the Keio system. The academic objectives of the school can be summarized as "liberation, development, and creativity."

  6. Keio Senior High School (慶應義塾高等学校, Keiō Gijuku Kōtōgakkō) is a private boys' high school in Kōhoku-ku, Yokohama, Japan. [1] . It is one of the integrated schools of Keio University . Overview. The Keio High Schools No. 1 and No. 2 merged into Keio SHS in 1948. As of 2019 its student body was 2,200. [2] History.

  7. In 2015, while teaching at Keio Yochisha Elementary School, he became the manager of the Keio Senior High School Baseball Club, leading the club to its first championship in 107 years at the 105th National High School Baseball Championship Tournament in 2023.