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  1. Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre (commonly Joseph Lefèbvre, 15 April 1892—2 April 1973) was a French cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Bourges from 1943 to 1969 and was made a cardinal in 1960.

  2. Joseph-Charles Cardinal Lefèbvre (born 15 Apr 1892, died 2 Apr 1973) Archbishop Emeritus of Bourges Consistory - 1960 : Created Cardinal Second Vatican Council: Session One : Council Father

  3. Joseph Charles Lefèbvre, né le 15 avril 1892 à Tourcoing dans le Nord et mort le 2 avril 1973 à Bourges dans le Cher, est un cardinal français, archevêque de Bourges et cousin de Marcel Lefebvre (figure du traditionalisme catholique en France et de la résistance au concile Vatican II).

  4. Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre (April 15, 1892—April 2, 1973) was a French Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Bourges from 1943 to 1969, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1960.

  5. Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre was a French cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Bourges from 1943 to 1969 and was made a cardinal in 1960.

  6. Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre studierte die Fächer Katholische Theologie und Philosophie in Lille und Rom. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs diente er in der französischen Armee, wurde verwundet und geriet in Kriegsgefangenschaft. 1921 empfing er in Rom das Sakrament der Priesterweihe.

  7. Joseph-Charles Lefebvre (Q508518) Joseph-Charles Lefebvre. French Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre. edit. Language. Label. Description. Also known as.