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  1. SRI International's Augmentation Research Center (ARC) was founded in the 1960s by electrical engineer Douglas Engelbart to develop and experiment with new tools and techniques for collaboration and information processing.

  2. May 23, 2024 · As a result of Engelbart's 1962 report, Augmenting Human Intellect, J. C. R. Licklider, the first director of the US Defense Department's Advanced Research Project Agency Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO), funded Douglas Engelbart's Augmentation Research Center at Stanford Research Institute in early 1963.

  3. Welcome to the starting page for the Augmnetaion Research Efforts. These efforts at the University of Pittsburgh are dedicated to the groundbreaking work of Douglas Engelbart and hsi work through the second half of the twentieth century.

  4. In the Augmented Human Intellect (AHI) Research Center at Stanford Research Institute a group of researchers is developing an experimental laboratory around an interactive, multi-console computer-display system, and is working to learn the principles by which interactive computer aids can augment their intellectual capability. 2a

  5. Aug 2, 2013 · Doug and his team at SRI’s Augmentation Research Center (ARC) are models for everyone at SRI today. They rapidly and continuously iterated their ideas and tools, focused on the end user and the big problem they were trying to solve, and tapped into the multidisciplinary genius of the team.

  6. Jul 23, 2013 · A company that no longer exists, Tymshare, had purchased what was left of Engelbart’s lab and hired him after the Stanford Research Institute stopped supporting the Augmentation Research Center...

  7. A set of bookmarks in our browser may augment our ability to recall websites we liked -- or wanted to remmeber. All of these things constitute augmentation. The efforts of this research group are on finding ways to use digital technology to augment intellectual activity when groups of individuals are involved.