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  1. Palestine became a center of Christianity, attracting numerous monks and religious scholars. The Samaritan Revolts during this period caused their near extinction. In 614 CE, Palestine was annexed by another Persian dynasty; the Sassanids, until returning to Byzantine control in 628 CE.

  2. The Palestinian territories, also known as the Occupied Palestinian Territory, consist of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip —two regions of the former British Mandate for Palestine that have been occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967.

  3. Judaism - Religious rites and customs in Palestine: the Temple and the synagogues: Until its destruction in 70 ce, the most important religious institution of the Jews was the Temple in Jerusalem (the Second Temple, erected 538–516 bce).

  4. Under the Byzantines, the religious landscape of Palestine underwent a significant transformation, propelled by the widescale Christianization of the local Jewish, pagan and Samaritan communities, as well as immigration of Christian pilgrims and monks into the Holy land.

  5. Jewish Palestine at the time of Jesus. in Jesus. Also known as: ʿIsā, ʿIsā ibn Maryam, Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus son of Joseph, Jesus the Nazarene. Written by. E.P. Sanders. Arts and Science Professor of Religion, Duke University. Author of Jesus and Judaism and The Historical Figure of Jesus. E.P. Sanders,

  6. A pro-Palestinian protester waves a Palestinian flag in front of the U.S. Capitol building in October 2023. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images. While US presidents have consistently said that a two ...

  7. These conversions to Islam, together with a steady tribal inflow from the desert, changed the religious character of Palestine’s inhabitants. The predominantly Christian population gradually became predominantly Muslim and Arabic-speaking.

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