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  1. 3 days ago · In “Chocorua to Its Neighbor”, stanza nineteen, Stevens ventures his response to the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, who began a statement of his thoughts regarding the finitude of mortals in relation to the divine by asking us, his readers, to permit him “to speak in a human way”.

  2. 2 days ago · Friedrich Nietzsche and Friedrich Hölderlin were both important influences on Heidegger, and many of his lecture courses were devoted to one or the other, especially in the 1930s and 1940s. The lectures on Nietzsche focused on fragments posthumously published under the title The Will to Power, rather than on Nietzsche's published works.

  3. 4 days ago · Este volumen describe y analiza la historia de una traducción: la antología: que de Friedrich Hölderlin llevaron a cabo Hans Gebser y Luis Cernuda en 1935 para la revista Cruz y Raya de José Bergamín.

  4. 4 days ago · Comprar el libro Hölderlin, Cernuda y Gebser: historia de una traducción de Nuria Gasó Gómez, Guillermo Escolar Editor SL (9788419782427) ...

  5. 2 days ago · The three poems that Pepping had set to music were: “Ich leb und weiβ nit wie” from 1498; “Bemeβt den Schritt,” by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer; and “Die Linien des Lebens sind verschieden” by Hölderlin. Knoop-Graf, Anneliese and Jens, Inge (Eds.). Willi Graf: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen.

  6. 5 days ago · Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (* 27. August 1770 in Stuttgart; † 14. November 1831 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Philosoph, der als wichtigster und letzter Vertreter des deutschen Idealismus gilt.

  7. 5 days ago · Julia López García – Master’s student in philosophy – Graduate in Global Studies & Humanities. Pompeu Fabra University. Reading: Socrates and Alcibiades (Sokrates und Alcibiades) by Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843). Why,holy Socrates, do you always pay homage To this young man? Are not greater things known to you?